New Home: Dear Friends, please take note :)

Hi guys! It’s been a year since I returned to blogging and after such time, knowing how easily bored I get, I realized that I can continue on blogging indefinitely. It’s become an outlet and a way for me to stay positive because as much as I can, I wanted to stay positive in all my posts.

If you’ve been following along with me for the past month, you’d know that I’ve been thinking of finally registering a domain and it’s just a matter of staying at, moving to (then I’d have to choose the hosting site), or jumping to Squarespace. With that, I finally decided on moving to, hosted and managed by GoDaddy.

It’s a new home though it feels just like a renovation because you won’t feel any difference except for the domain name and some color changes.

That having been said, please take note of my new home:

From this day onward, my posts will be there. I appreciate very much having spent the last year with all of you, you’ve been sweet and encouraging in your comments and been generous in liking my posts.

I would like to continue with you still. So please follow the link above or follow me on Bloglovin’, on my FaceBook Page, via Twitter, or even through e-mail subscription so we can still keep in touch. 🙂

2 thoughts on “New Home: Dear Friends, please take note :)

I must say...