Michelle Phan’s Sailor Moon Makeup Tutorial

So I’ve been combing through Michelle Phan’s videos. I just recently subscribed to her YouTube channel (don’t be so shocked) after watching several of her videos. Please don’t kill me for saying that I’ve never heard of her or her name didn’t press its way into my brain until after I watched Anna Akana’s video How to Put on Your Face 10 more times from the time that I shared it.

Anyway, after Anna mentioned Michelle Phan’s name, I decided to look Michelle up on YouTube and watched several of her videos, the first being How to Build Self-Confidence or so I thought. Apparently, I’ve encountered Michelle Phan long ago as Sailor Moon when she made a video tutorial on how to transform your look into Sailor Moon. Haven’t I said I like, no, love, Sailor Moon?

I just found this out now and I feel the need to share! Because it’s just ridiculous how long ago that video was when I saw it and how this thing with starting a blog, subscribing to beauty boxes, starting to love how makeup transforms me in and out, seeing Anna Akana’s video, hearing her mention Michelle Phan, looking at Michelle’s videos and then seeing that Michelle was that girl, that girl, who was able to make an inspiring tutorial on how to look like Sailor Moon. Amazing!


Did I say it was amazing? It’s like serendipity or fate or something!

Moving on and before I freak you out with all this, here’s Michelle’s video tutorial transforming herself to Sailor Moon. 😉

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I’m just so amazed I can’t even end this post properly. Let me know what you think! 🙂

Poll: Socks and Heels

I don’t have any fashion sense although I’d like to think that I’m not a fashion disaster (most of the time), either. I only have a set of go-to outfits that I mix and try to match together, which are mostly outfits that look good on me.

I don’t have a particular “look” like most people do, but I was told that I’m being identified as the one with the blazer. It doesn’t matter what I wear underneath, it’s always the blazer that gets the attention. Why not? They’re high end blazers handed down to me by my fashionable aunt! The rest are my own clothes, bought on a budget. 😉

Moving on, I never thought of writing a post on fashion, but I have a question that I want to throw out there. If you have any thoughts on the matter, please let me know because I will need the advice. You see, I’m getting tired of just wearing blazers. I tried scarves at one point and tried different ways to wear such scarves, but I didn’t feel quite right with it because I didn’t know how to match my clothing to the scarf and vice versa. So now I’ve been looking on corporate attires, minus the blazers that add 10 years to my age.

One of the things that caught my attention was pairing socks and heels.

I found it nostalgic and appealing at the same time. Nostalgic because I remembered by school days when we were required to wear white socks and black leather shoes. Appealing because I think it’s comfortable. I’m actually going for comfort here because my heels are killing my feet, especially when they are 3 inches and above. I don’t have a problem with closed-toe heels because I have foot socks that are hidden from view, but what if I also want to warm my ankles or calves?

Without considering wearing pants to hide the ankle/calf high socks, would you recommend the socks and heels combination? I have big calves by the way, which I just found out can’t even be covered by both my hands without squeezing my calf. If yes, do you have any advice on what to match it with? You can use the comments link below for more space. Let me know what you think. 🙂

Music Mondays: Try (Colbie Caillat)

A co-worker, to whom I showed Anna Akana’s How to Put on Your Face video in turn showed Colbie Caillat’s video to me. I loved it!

So connected to my post last week of Anna Akana’s video, today’s Music Monday would be Colbie Caillat’s Try.

Her video was released in June but was just recently published on YouTube. It carries with it Colbie Caillat’s sentiments in the music industry in particular and in being a celebrity in general, how the industry has a certain mold that women have to conform to.

This reminded me of what the then not-yet-famous Katy Perry said in her movie Part of Me. I’ll be paraphrasing here because I can’t remember it word for word but this was what Katy essentially said when she being forced to act like a rebel artist in her songs: “Whatever happened to just writing good music and letting people love it for what it is”.

And I bet they’re not the only ones with this sentiment. Women in general, whether famous or not, still encounter these molds we commonly call “gender stereotypes” or “expectations”. So I go back as well to my previous post about being a girl and add to it.

A woman does not need conform to others’ expectations to be “liked”. Be yourself. Change the rules. Do what matters to you and to you alone. Please yourself, not others. If putting makeup on makes you happy and gives you confidence, do it. If spending hours on your hair makes you feel beautiful, do it. But if it’s only to please others and make others like you, don’t.

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What do you think of today’s Music Monday? What’s your Music Monday?